You've been hit by, you’ve been struck by, a smooth criminal... Aaow!🕴🏻😎💥
Relive the energy, excitement, and the BIGGEST POP hits of all time. This Saturday we pay tribute to legendary superstar Michael Jackson and his iconic music as the #KingofPopReturns with Dantanio Goodman LIVE BILLY THE BUM’s 🕴🏻📽🎶
Due to regulations we have very limited capacity. Table booking is essential.
☎️: (011) 465 - 2621
*A reminder that all safety care will be maintained. Social distance and masks are mandatory.
#BTB #billythebums #MJtribute #michaeljackson #iconic #Kingofpop #Dantanio #iconicpop #entertainmentnight #entertainment #nottobemissed #moonwalker #billiejean #smoothcriminal #classics #live #pineslopes #fourways